MAX POON 潘教練 BADMINTON COACH 專業羽毛球教練 擁有十年以上教學經驗,畢業於國立臺灣體育運動大學球類運動學系 (羽球)。 本著因材施教理念,採用創新教學法,鞏固基礎。有別於傳統教學,對初學者以簡單明瞭的方式演繹技術,令學員輕鬆上手,享受羽毛球樂趣;對進階學員則鼓勵多觀察對手,思考戰術,以其長處及個人風格發展獨特打法。
M運動及健身 / 球類運動Max Poon羽毛球教練


台灣直送特色產品 美國頂級牛扒 優質凍肉 氣炸小食

價錢: 每月HK$645(包1000張黑白, 100張彩色),其後$0.07/張 黑白, $0.8/張 彩色。

兒童興趣班 / 藝術 / 繪畫 / 手作
K親子 / 兒童興趣班 - 藝術Kids Club。Hong Kong

一年一度音樂活動, 第十二屆MF音樂聯賽2022~現正接受報名 今年度將以實體賽進行, 比賽項目包括鋼琴 / 弦樂 / 管樂 / 聲樂 / 豎琴, 詳情如下: 比賽日期: 2022年2月4日, 2月6日 及 2月9日 比賽地點: 尖沙咀文化中心 獎項: 每組均設冠亞季軍及優異獎, 可獲得水晶獎盃及獎牌。
表演藝術 / 節目及活動音專藝術推廣協會

j買賣及批發 / 美容jeunessglobal

We aim at bringing quality Family Medicine and Network Medical Services, providing greater value in healthcare and health protection services to meet the demand of the general public in Hong Kong.
長者 / 健康檢查明康醫療香港有限公司

Techno Harley-Davidson of Hong Kong was established in 1995. During these 16 years we have changed in many ways, keeping up with your needs and trying our very best to serve you.
T汽車及電單車 / 汽車影音Techno Harley-Davidson

European Motors Ltd have been buying and selling quality used cars in Hong Kong since 1975 and have thousands of satisfied clients - we hope you will become one of them!

New friendship or a serious relationship - 34 (Hong Kong)

We are a Hong Kong real estate agency that specializes in Residential and Commercial properties, let us guide you through the whole renting and buying process

面部彩繪生日會 [彩繪派對、party姐姐面部彩繪帶生日會] Kids Birthday Party & Face Painting HK (Temporary Body Paint + face drawing Hong Kong)

C寵物 / 寵物美容CINDY PET BEAUTY 專業上門寵物美容服務

Flow Wong - Freelance designer, graded in Hong Kong Design Institute. Good at CAD drawing and teaching
F設計 / 珠寶設計Flow Wong

Contemporary Hong Kong Wedding Photography

屋宇設備工程,室內空氣質素,節能環保,空氣及水處理,噪音及震動處理,實驗室服務,工地現場檢測及評估等。 Building Services Engg., IAQ, Energy Savings, Environmental Protection, Air & Water and Noise & Vibration Treatment, Lab & Site Measurement, etc.
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